Theodore Roosevelt

The Rough Riders

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Nov. 25, 2017)
Edition perfect as a gift.

"There were other Indians of much wilder type, but their wildness was precisely like that of the cowboys with whom they were associated. One or two of them needed rough discipline; and they got it, too. Like the rest of the regiment, they were splendid riders. I remember one man, whose character left much to be desired in some respects, but whose horsemanship was unexceptionable. He was mounted on an exceedingly bad bronco, which would bolt out of the ranks at drill. He broke it of this habit by the simple expedient of giving it two tremendous twists, first to one side and then to the other, as it bolted, with the result that, invariably, at the second bound its legs crossed and over it went with a smash, the rider taking the somersault with unmoved equanimity."

1979432791 / 9781979432795
11.0 oz.
8.0 x 0.26 in.

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