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The Secret of the Golden Heart

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Debbie Erickson

The Secret of the Golden Heart

language ( Nov. 21, 2015)
Twelve-year-old Kristian McNeal has depended on his twin, Gracie, to fight most of his battles. He’d never admit he didn't know what he'd do without her.

After he steals his mother’s golden heart heirloom, he's swept from danger and transported to a planet where he discovers he’s been chosen to fulfill his mother’s destiny.

However, a mysterious, ancient evil shadow stands in his way and is in the process of destroying the planet of his heritage in the Tri-fold Galaxy at the edge of the universe.

Until he finds the key that unlocks the secret to the golden heart, the planet, along with him and his ancestors, will die.

In the end, will he follow that still, small voice and summon the courage to fight the most important battle of his life without his know-it-all sister, or will he cower in the face of danger and depend on her help one more time?

Will strength alone be enough to destroy the shadowy beast, or will his new found faith play a role?