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Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales

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George Douglas

Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales

Paperback (Dover Publications April 11, 2000)

The product of a long-established oral tradition, Scottish fairy tales are full of unexpected twists and turns, delicious humor, and a rich assortment of fanciful creatures. These include brownies, kelpies, trolls, mermen, and other beings from the unseen world that pop up again and again to assist, annoy, and otherwise meddle in the lives of simple country folk.
This treasury was assembled by a noted folklorist who heard these picturesque traditional tales over a century ago while visiting in rural homes throughout Scotland. Recounted in their native vernacular, they include nursery tales and animal fables, stories of fairies, accounts of witchcraft, comic and literary lore, and more.
Included in this collection are clever and imaginative stories of "The Strange Visitor," "How the Wolf Lost His Tail," "The Smith and the Fairies," "The Scottish Brownie," "The Witches of Delnabo," "The Witty Exploits of Mr. George Buchanan," "The Haunted Ships," and scores of other delightful tales. Together, they offer folklore lovers, readers, and listeners of all ages hours of imaginative storytelling entertainment.

0486411400 / 9780486411408
13.6 oz.
5.2 x 0.8 in.

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