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Myths and Legends of Alaska

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Katharine Berry Judson

Myths and Legends of Alaska

Paperback (Jazzybee Verlag Oct. 24, 2017)
Miss Judson has collected these myths and legends from many printed sources. She disclaims originality, but she has rendered a service that will be appreciated by the many who have sought in vain for legends of the Indians. There is an agreeable surprise in store for any lover of folk-lore who will read these books. The Raven Myth The Flood The Origin Of The Tides How The Rivers Were Formed The Origin Of Fire Duration Of Winter Raven's Feast Creation Of The Porcupine How Raven Taught The Chilkats Raven's Marriage Raven And The Seals Raven And Pitch Raven's Dancing Blanket ... and many more ...
3849674460 / 9783849674465
6.1 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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