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Gary Pettigrew

Moonglow Avenue

language ( Aug. 11, 2012)
Book 1 of the Moonglow Trilogy.
Book 2 - Trustkeepers of Moonglow and Book 3 The Warlock of Moonglow now available.
Ryan, Jasmine, Billy and Nicole were normal kids, it wasn't entirely their fault that they found a gate that lead into the magical street of Moonglow Avenue. It may have been their fault that they left the gate open and a young werewolf cub wandered out.
Now it's up to Jasmine and Ryan to make things right. Even if it means fighting vampire teens, armed guards, the world greatest big game hunter and worst of all; a daytime TV host.
With a little help from a beautiful witch and a crazy professor they must rescue the werewolf cub and keep the secrets of Moonglow Avenue.

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