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Age 9-12
Grade 4-7

Harriet May Savitz

The Bullies and Me

Paperback (iUniverse Jan. 5, 2005)
Are you afraid? Making friends isn't easy, Allan realizes, especially when you're the new kid in town. Since moving to Ocean View, Allan has spent most of his time alone, out at Silver Lake, watching the geese and the beautiful, graceful white ducks he calls snowbirds. So Allan is grateful when Tony and Pete let him hang out with them. Until the day they start throwing rocks at the birds, and daring Allan to hit one. "What are you, afraid?" they tease. "Maybe we just won't call you anymore. You're scared to do anything."Allan wants to belong, but will he have to attack the birds to prove himself? And is it worth it?
0595339492 / 9780595339495
4.0 oz.
5.0 x 0.26 in.

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