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Controlling Invasive Species

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Age 7-10
Grade 2-3

Liz Chung

Controlling Invasive Species

Library Binding (Powerkids Pr Jan. 1, 2017)
Invasive species are kind of like aliens. These plants and animals get transported from their native homes and when they land in other places, trouble can follow. In this science-rich title, readers will learn all about invasive species and the problems they can cause for the plants and animals that are native to a habitat. Readers will learn how invasive species appear in an area and how humans play a role in spreading them and controlling them. With an emphasis on environmental conservation, this title teaches readers how to identify imposters and control them before they take over. Colorful images and fact boxes support the text, which is written to support elementary science curricula.
Global Guardians
1499429371 / 9781499429374
6.7 oz.
6.2 x 0.2 in.

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