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Letters Written While on a Collecting Trip in the East Indies

Thomas Barbour

Letters Written While on a Collecting Trip in the East Indies

Paperback (Forgotten Books Aug. 4, 2012)
Cunard R. M. S. I vernia, October 2, 1908. Dear Mother :H ere we are really off and it is most exciting. Last night we passed a very uneventful night, or rather I should say a decidedly eventful night, sitting up until almost eleven oclock picking out every kernel of rice. This morning the rooms were strewn with it and the waste paper basket full of it. However we did not care. We had a very good breakfast in our rooms this morning and left the hotel at 7.40, having bought every paper and periodical obtainable in the city. Michael metus and gave us the letters which we decided we would not open until later on; so I cannot answer any of your questions, if you have asked me any. Our trunks and bags were taken to room 25, very large and very nice. I at once began unpacking the necessary things and while these were strewn about the floor and hung up on hooks, Mr. Emerson, from the New York Cunard office, came rushing up and said he must speak to Mr. Barbour. Tom stepped out and he said, Mr. Barbour, I have got you a better room; follow me. We went about two doors up and there we saw an enormous state room, with a sitting room attached (it belonged to the purser) and he asked if we would like it and when we said yes, he said, Well, then it is yours. Then we were introduced to the Chief Steward and he took us down to the dining room and gave us a fine place at one of the best tables. Really it was great. He said anything we wanted he would get for us, etc., and so on.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)

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6.0 x 0.52 in.

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