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Fred P. Bessette

Hopeless Hope

language ( Jan. 15, 2020)
This book gives readers a more complete and sound understanding of the argument, which is not simply about presenting their opinions in a new form, but rather giving a range of reasons. or evidence to support the conclusion. Arguments are not statements or arguments about a point of view or issue, but an attempt to defend a certain point of view with clear arguments and evidence.

The book provides readers with knowledge such as:

- Basic principles for handling short debates: defining hypotheses and conclusions; develop your ideas ...

- Generalizing: using many examples use case studies ...

- Use analogies from similar examples;

- Citations: search for information sources; cross check information; ...

Sometimes, we often consider reasoning to be a useless and unpleasant job, but we are also aware that reasoning is absolutely necessary, especially in today's society, that people are equipped with a more complete, more comprehensive knowledge and tools to explore and research, then smart argument is an effective way to protect personal views.

As Anthony Weston himself, the author of this book, said, "Truth never changes, only time changes.", And this book will help readers shed more light on that truth. .

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