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A Ride to Khiva: Travels and Adventures in Central Asia

Frederick Burnaby

A Ride to Khiva: Travels and Adventures in Central Asia

Paperback (The Long Riders' Guild Press Oct. 1, 2001)
He was a giant in his day, in terms of physical strength and literary fame. Captain Frederick Burnaby not only stood over most men in the flesh, he towered over them when it came to cold courage. A case in point was his decision to explore Russia on horseback in 1875, a country which had just been declared off-limits to all foreigners by the Czar. That didn’t intimidate Burnaby. A famous swordsmen and notable linguist, the author set off determined to cross Russia during the height of winter. His goal? The forbidden Central Asian city of Khiva! The resultant tale is a classic of equestrian adventure travel. Burnaby fills every page with a memorable cast of characters, including hard-riding Cossacks, nomadic Tartars, vodka-guzzling sleigh-drivers and a legion of peasant ruffians. “A Ride to Khiva” remains one of the most thrilling tales of the Victorian Age.
Equestrian Travel Classics
1590480198 / 9781590480199
22.4 oz.
5.5 x 1.0 in.

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