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From Canal Boy to President

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Horatio Alger

From Canal Boy to President

eBook (Charlie April 25, 2017)
An account of the boyhood and manhood of James A Garfield. Alger uses Garfield's life as an example of a significant and popular figure in the history of America - whereby honesty, cheerfulness, virtue, thrift, and hard work are rewarded with success. Garfield's life was like one long personal growth example - reading his story is like attending 10 personal growth seminars - only better! Alger wrote to instill the principle of Strive and Succeed, Personal Growth and Achievement-to attain the American dream. He inspired countless millions of young people world-wide and was the Mark Victor Hanson and Tony Robbins of his era. "Horatio Alger Jr. was the biggest American media star of his day. [when] the sale of 10,000 volumes was deemed a publishing triumph in those days-readers bought at least 200 million copies of his books, placing him in the Stephen King category"...Stefan Kanfer

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