British Museum. Dept. of Zoology
Catalogue of the specimens of neuropterous insects in the collection of the British Museum
( March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1852 Excerpt: ...piceo varius; caput apud antennas nigricans, facie flava; antennœ graciles, thoracis longitudine, piceo annulatœ et terminatœ; prothorax piceo quadrivittatus; abdomen piceum, lateribus testaceo maculatis; pedes longi, graciles, tibiis apice piceis; alœ limpidœ, ampiœ, non acuminatœ, anticœ apice signo ovato fusco bifasciatœ. Testaceous, very slender: head blackish around the base of the antennœ; face yellow, shining; vertex pitchy behind, and with a slender pitchy band in front: antennœ testaceous, slender, as long as the thorax; joints pitchy towards the base; club pitchy: prothorax nearly linear, a little longer than broad, with four imperfect pitchy stripes: dorsal segments of the mesothorax and of the metathorax pitchy, with testaceous borders and with some testaceous marks on their disks: abdomen pitchy, much shorter than the wings; segments testaceous towards the base on each side: legs pale testaceous, long and slender; tips of the tibia e pitchy: wings limpid, ample, very iridescent, not pointed; stigma whitish, small in the hind-wings; veins white with black bands, ciliated; subcostal areolets simple, their veins not forked between the base and the stigma; gradate veinlets near the tip and forks of the marginal veinlets at the tip of the wing clouded with pale brown, which forms an irregular and imperfect transverse oval figure on the wing: hindwings very little narrower and shorter than the fore-wings, with two pale brown marks on the forks of the marginal veinlets, one near the tip, the other near the hind border at three fourths of the length. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 30 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 95. Myrmeleon Nefandus. Testaceus; caput ferrugineo ...
- 1130129837 / 9781130129830
- Pages
- 186
- Weight
- 12.2 oz.
- Dimensions
- 7.4 x 0.4