Tim Callahan
Timmy & Susie & the Bootleggers' Revenge
We were tied to the chairs again back to back. The three men spent an hour outside the cabin,discussing their plans. We could only catch bits and pieces of the conversation, nothing thatwe could piece together to tell us how long we had until the money was to be delivered. I satthere and wondered if they would really kill us if they didn’t get the money. I wondered if theywould kill us even if they got the money.Here Susie and I were, being held hostage. I knew that my mom, Mamaw and Papaw,and Susie’s parents had to be worried sick. I knew that they were trying to fi gure out how toget money to pay for our safe return. I wondered what the Wolf Pack was doing. I wonderedwho was praying for us.Timmy and the Wolf Pack are back again, making the absolute most out ofanother Kentucky summer. In this fi fth installment to the series, Tim andSusie are kidnapped right out of the front of Timmy’s mom’s store, and whilethe grown ups do their best to fi nd them, it’s ultimately up to the Wolf Pack to fi gureout who took them and how to get them back.Timmy and Susie and the Bootleggers’ Revenge is fi lled to the brim with all thehumor, mystery, suspense, and heartwarming community togetherness you’ve come toexpect from author Tim Callahan. Reunite with Timmy, Susie, Mawmaw, Pawpaw,James Ernest, and so many other wonderful Kentucky Summer characters you’ve cometo love.