Ernest Thompson Seton

Woodland Tales

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform June 27, 2016)

If you were alone in the woods, would you know what to do?

How good a woodsman are you? Can you light a fire without matches? Can you make a sun dial quickly, with materials on hand? Cam you lay a good cooking fire? Can you find your way without a compass? In a pouring rain can you kindle a fire? Can you recognize poison ivy? Can you tie all kinds of knots? Can you erect a tepee? Are you at home in big timber, in the mountains, in a frail canoe on lakes or streams?

Wherever there are woods and mountains and lakes, wherever the campfire crackles, wherever the hoot of the owl or the growl of the bear is heard, wherever the Indian sends the smoke of his signal fire toward the heavens, wherever the winds are fresh with the fragrance of pine, wherever the spirit of such things is alive in city home or remote cabin – there the name of Ernest Thompson Seton is a name to conjure with!

In all the world this great woodsman is best equipped to tell you the complete story of the great out–of-doors, with all its fascination and nature lore.

Beginning with “things to see in springtime,” this extraordinary volume introduces all the seasons and it is an eye-opener for natural marvels and quaint discoveries. It sums up with “things to remember” and a rousing woodland song with music. This is “Woodland Tales.”

1534926070 / 9781534926073
13.1 oz.
6.0 x 0.5 in.

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