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The Pet Prayer Book: Curse Breaking, Inner-Healing, Chiro-Prayer, Deliverance From Evil Spirits

Carlos A. Oliveira

The Pet Prayer Book: Curse Breaking, Inner-Healing, Chiro-Prayer, Deliverance From Evil Spirits

The purpose of this book is to educate the masses of pet owners regarding secrets kept from us, humans, for thousands of years concerning spiritual care for animals.Another purpose for this book is for us to understand that there are spiritual forces working behind the scenes to destroy humans and animals. These evil forces go undetected for generations for the simple reason that they are invisible to the naked eye, for the most part. Although evil spirits have ability to materialize when granted permission to do so, they prefer to enter living bodies and dwell in them, in order to carry on their evil intents, devices and projects.In this book, you will find helpful prayers designed to take away ground from the enemies of our souls and our pet’s. These prayers are designed to break curses, cast out evil spirits, perform inner-healing and even supernatural body adjustment through chiro-prayer ministrations.