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Leto Spirit Blackman


eBook (Little Spirit Fox July 29, 2019)
Nine. Yes, that’s my name. I was inspired by the mysterious tattoo on my arm; BD-DC-009. I have no memory of who I am. I woke up in a stone cube of a room, no way in, or out. The only object in my prison is a tarnished, ancient mirror. With no clues as to what I am to do, I reach out and touch the mirror, which reflects a grey human-shaped creature. Words form in the air.Mirror of ChangeA device used to form me into what I am meant to be. I have found myself in a place called The Labyrinth. An endless realm, continuously changing, filled with carnivorous mushrooms and deadly traps.The only purpose that has been given to me was from smoky, translucent words that appeared in front of me.Escape The LabyrinthDisclaimer: This is not your usual MC. He starts off with below average intelligence. He doesn't always know what to do, and makes choices that can anger some people. He is a bit like a child in a mans body. But he has a big heart and desperately wants to learn. Give him a chance, he will grow on you, like a mushroom.