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Comfort Pease and her Gold Ring

Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

Comfort Pease and her Gold Ring

( May 30, 2020)
Comfort had received a gold ring and a gold dollar from her aunt, the same aunt that she'd gotten her name 'Comfort' from. Her mother kept the ring and the dollar in a little wooden box for storing needlework, and other small treasures - like her cameo brooch, and a lock of Comfort's baby brother's hair who had died.
Though she asked her mother time and again, Comfort's mother refused to let her wear the ring, or to spend the gold dollar. When Comfort goes to school, she tells her friends about the gold ring, but they don't believe her. The girls tell her that she should wear the ring to school the next day, to prove that it really existed. Her family told her that she wasn't allowed to wear it, as it didn't fit her yet. But Comfort was a very stubborn girl, and she decides to sneak the ring to school.

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