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Nadia Dardón

Shades of Blue

Paperback (Independently published April 26, 2020)
“Do you have any idea how it feels? To not be able to interact like a normal person? To have this thing inside you that won’t let you breathe? To doubt every single decision you make?”Blue is not like any other seventeen-year-old girl. For starters, she chose her own name. She’s a loner, focuses on her art day in and day out. Oh...and, she suffers from severe anxiety. Her whole life Blue has felt like she doesn’t fit in and for once in her life, she would like to be normal. Then one night she meets Jasper Howell, an aspiring author who saves her life. Now Blue needs to learn how to deal with her anxiety, accept herself, and learn to live again.
/ 9798621836498
11.2 oz.
5.5 x 0.5 in.