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Whose Body: The Annotated Edition

Sayers Dorothy, Miniscule Caroline

Whose Body: The Annotated Edition

eBook (Mysterious Annotations Feb. 24, 2011)

Annotator Caroline Miniscule is also an author - her science fiction novels The Labyrinth Makers and The Coldest Equations are also available on the Kindle, as well as The Powder Puff Derby Puzzle and The Lady and the Tiger...Moth.

Whose Body, the first adventure of Lord Peter Wimsey, was published over 80 years ago, in 1923. When we first meet Wimsey, he'sintent on acquiring a Folio Dante, a book by de Voragine called Golden Legend, published by Wynkyn de Worde, and The Four Sons of Aymon.

Has Dorothy Sayers made up these works, or do they actually exist? (They do.)

Why does Peter praise his mother by calling her a "brick"? Why, because of a Greek story in which King Lycurgus of Sparta is asked why there are no defensive walls around the city. He pointed to a soldier and said, "There are Sparta's walls, and every soldier a brick."

In this annotated edition of Whose Body, we explain every reference Sayers makes, from the French Wimsey speaks to the songs he sings to the books he acquires. The annotations are in bold, right below the sentence in which the referenced word or phrase appears. In this way, the reader can skim over any bolded annotations in which he or she has no interest, and continue with the story.

But that's not all! Once you've read through the annotated edition, you'll find the novel itself again, at no extra cost!

No admirer of Dorothy Sayer's Lord Peter Wimsey, or fans of classic detective novels, or "dated death," as we like to call them, can be without this book!