The story of Lexi and Damon. A love affair. One like no other.
"Lexi and Damon were meant to be. How they meet is unique, and their attraction keeps on building as their story progresses."
Girl's Point of View: "I told her not to do it, I was leaving. That was the end of it. There was no point in her going to him and letting him know that I was interested. I wasn't the only one interested in him, there were woman just lining up at his door. I was sure of it. Yet my sister was right there talking to him about me. She was supposed to get in the car before I left her there but Jennifer was the one who believed in happy endings."
Guy's Point of View: "From the second I picked her up for our date I knew that there was something there. A connection that was undeniable, though neither of us said it. Then something happened that changed what was supposed to flow so smoothly. Would she ever come back? Would we ever get the second chance I knew we deserved deep in our hearts?"