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Show Me How: Quilting: Quilting Storybook & How-to-Quilt Instructions

Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Susan Levin, Gloria Tracy

Show Me How: Quilting: Quilting Storybook & How-to-Quilt Instructions

Paperback (Sixth&Spring Books Dec. 1, 2007) , Pck Slp Edition
Mary Ruth’s teacher has some news: their classmate Ashley needs an operation and will be away for a whole month. So she asks everyone to come up with a special way to say “we’ll miss you.” Mary Ruth wonders what they can do—until Grandma comes to the rescue with an idea: a friendship quilt. She promises it’s simple and quick, and every person can contribute a block with a personal message for Ashley. The friendship quilt is a huge success; everyone loves creating it, and Ashley loves receiving it. And the second book in the beautifully slipcased set shows readers how they can make one, too!
Show Me How
1933027282 / 9781933027289
10.9 oz.
5.75 x 0.25 in.

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