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Names, Animal, Food, Places and Things Knock, Knock Jokes for Kids and Adults: 5 in 1 Funny Knock, Knock Jokes for Kids and Adults

Amanda B.

Names, Animal, Food, Places and Things Knock, Knock Jokes for Kids and Adults: 5 in 1 Funny Knock, Knock Jokes for Kids and Adults

language (Kid's Corner Publishing March 5, 2018)
More than a hundred of funny and silly knock knock jokes under the sun that will surely make kids and adults laugh.
Jokes such as:

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Black who?
Stay here. I'll be black!

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Blue who?
Blue your nose!

And many more.

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You won't regret getting this funny and silly knock knock jokes for kids and adults. A good book to read and give as a gift for kids. Every kids would enjoy a good knock knock joke.

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