Joel Chandler Harris

Nights with Uncle Remus

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform March 19, 2016)
Nights with Uncle Remus (1883) by Joel Chandler Harris (Children's Classics) Nights With Uncle Remus is a story book dearly loved by children. Besides that, it is an important contribution to the study of Afro American folk lore, and through many years of popularity it has carried a long and learned Introduction, of great interest to students but rather forbidding in aspect to youthful readers. In this new edition, which has been prepared especially for children, and illustrated in colors by an artist who knows how to please them as well as their elders, the Introduction has been omitted, but the stories and their charming setting have been left intact
1530624789 / 9781530624782
14.4 oz.
8.0 x 0.46 in.

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