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Selina and the Shoo-Fly Pie

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Age 8-9
Grade PK-4

Barbara Smucker

Selina and the Shoo-Fly Pie

Hardcover (Fitzhenry and Whiteside Sept. 1, 1998) , 1 edition

Happily settled in the town of St. Jacobs, Selina has grown a whole inch since her family fled the Civil War. But even the peace of Upper Canada, a new house, and her own room cannot ease memories of loved ones left behind in Pennsylvania. Thoughts of Grandmother are never far away, especially when Selina touches the Bear Paw quilt on her bedstead. Then one day, news of a surprise visit sends the entire household into a flurry of preparation. Chores help to pass the time until Grandmother arrives, bringing Selina's troubled cousin Henry with her. But Selina can't help wondering about the mysterious recipe Grandmother has promised they'll make together. Shoo-Fly Pie sounds strange to Selina, but if it helps her cousin feel better, she's willing to give it a try.

0773730184 / 9780773730182
13.4 oz.
9.0 x 9.0 in.

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