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Joseph Roth

Weights and Measures

Paperback (Everyman March 15, 1983) , n.e. edition
Set in Roth's native Galicia, is one of his finest and most artistically satisfying novels. The exploration of evil, justice and suffering which forms the underlying theme, is a recurrent one in Roth's writing, and with his central character, Anselm Eibenschutz, the just Inspector at odds with himself and a hostile world that will ultimately destroy him, Roth has created one of his most convincing and deeply felt figures. 'Joseph Roth was one of the really great writers of our day; his German prose has always been a model of perfect style. He wrote every page of his books with the fervor of a true poet; like a goldsmith he polished and repolished every sentence till the rhythm was perfect and the colour brilliant. His artistic conscience was as inexorable as his heart was passionate and tender.' So wrote Stefan Zweig shortly after Roth's premature death in 1939. Since that time his reputation has grown steadily, and he now stands among the great prose writers in the German language. First published in 1937 translated by David Le Vay. Introduction by Beatrice Musgrave.
Everyman's Classics S
0460013319 / 9780460013314
0.8 oz.
7.2 x 4.9 in.

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