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Zombie Ed Knows His ABC's!

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Edward Kent

Zombie Ed Knows His ABC's!

language (Edward Kent Nov. 5, 2014) , 1 edition
Ed is a young boy who loves to learn and discover new things. He just happens to be a harmless zombie! Read about Zombie Ed and all of his friends as he enjoys learning the alphabet.

Zombie Ed is a friendly boy zombie who enjoys learning and has fun doing it. He's also been affected by a fair share of social issues right from today's headlines: bullying, divorce, low self-esteem and dealing with the death of a classmate. These books are fun and educational. They rhyme and teach vicariously through characters like werewolves, zombies, ghosts and vampires.

I have had the pleasure of reading and presenting Stop Bullying Me! I'm A Zombie. So What? to many schools and local bookstores, with an enthusiastic reception by the children and teachers alike. My book on divorce, What's a Zombie To Do, When His House Is Split In 2? has been adopted by my children's elementary school for their "Banana Splits" divorce coping group for grades 1 - 5, with the students liking the fact that it answers so many of their questions.

I try to infuse my latest Zombie Ed books with current and topical issues that many children face on a daily basis. It is my hope that they can learn and have fun at the same time.

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