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Mark Twain, L. Carr

Pudd'nhead Wilson

language (Heritage Illustrated Publishing May 14, 2014)
* Beautifully illustrated with atmospheric paintings by renowned artists, Pudd'nhead Wilson is the gripping tale of babies switched at birth by a young slave woman attempting to protect her son from the horrors of slavery - her light-skinned infant changes places with the master's white son. This simple premise is the basis of Twain's compelling drama that contains all the elements of a classic 19th-century mystery: reversed identities, a ghastly crime, an eccentric detective, and a tense courtroom scene.

* Just as accessible and enjoyable for today's readers as it would have been when first published, the novel is one of the great works of American literature and continues to be widely read throughout the world.

* This meticulous digital edition from Heritage Illustrated Publishing is a faithful reproduction of the original text and is enhanced with images of classic works of art carefully selected by our team of professional editors.