book sponsored by Jood Establishment and Zaha Mango Childhood Centre Crazy Piranha Studuios - Amer Kokh, Amer Kokh (Illustrator) Dina Al-Zibdeh

I Am a Child

Hardcover (Almaya Publishing House March 15, 2011)
I am a child is a book that illustrates children rights quoted in the articles of united nations children rights covenant puclished in 1989. This book has been sponsored by Jude Jordan establishment and Zaha Childhood establishment. كتاب يبين حقوق الطفل المنصوص عليها في اتفاقية حقوق الطفل الصادرة عن الأمم المتحدة عام .١٩٨٩
9957526073 / 9789957526078