Mary Turner
Moon Mayhem
A script writer heads to the first Moon colony to tape a pilot episode of Moon Mayhem and finds himself embroiled in a more dangerous plot than he wrote.It is the very near future and the Youth Culture of the Boomer generation has caught up with Weird Science, thanks to a strange, powerful, and tea-drinking woman pulling the strings back on Earth. Research has begun on the first Moon colony into mining helium 3 for a “greener” energy for Earth. What scientists nor the production crew doesn’t know is that there is parallel and secret research being done with longevity and that the guy cast as Santa might very well be the key. Moon Mayhem is an enhanced e-book experience, taking you to other media. Read newspaper accounts of what is happening on the Moon colony as well as back on Earth. Check out Krank’s Kolumn, a blog written by a throwback to the 1960s freedom fighter, a guy out to overthrow the new corporate model for government.Longevity treatment secret research, a holiday celebration with the first visitors to the Moon colony, the taping of the pilot episode for the long (long) running Crime & Punishment franchise, and you have the recipe for Moon Mayhem, all in an enhanced e-book experience.