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Theodore Roosevelt: An Intimate Biography

William Roscoe Thayer

Theodore Roosevelt: An Intimate Biography

SUBJECTPresidents -- United States -- BiographyRoosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919CONTENTSI. ORIGINS AND YOUTH II. BREAKING INTO POLITICS III. AT THE FIRST CROSSROADS IV. NATURE THE HEALER V. BACK TO THE EAST AND LITERATURE VI. APPLYING MORALS TO POLITICS VII. THE ROUGH RIDER VIII. GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK—VICE-PRESIDENT IX. PRESIDENT X. THE WORLD WHICH ROOSEVELT CONFRONTED XI. ROOSEVELT'S FOREIGN POLICY XII. THE GREAT CRUSADE AT HOME XIII. THE TWO ROOSEVELTS XIV. THE PRESIDENT AND THE KAISER XV. ROOSEVELT AND CONGRESS XVI. THE SQUARE DEAL IN ACTION XVII. ROOSEVELT AT HOME XVIII. HITS AND MISSES XIX. CHOOSING HIS SUCCESSOR XX. WORLD HONORS XXI. WHICH WAS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? XXII. THE TWO CONVENTIONS XXIII. THE BRAZILIAN ORDEAL XXIV. PROMETHEUS BOUND XXV. PROMETHEUS UNBOUNDABBREVIATIONSAutobiography = "Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography." MacmillanCo.; New York, 1914.*** The titles of other books by Mr. Roosevelt are given without his name as they occur in the footnotes.Leupp = Francis E. Leupp: "The Man Roosevelt." D. Appleton & Co.;New York, 1904.Lewis = Wm. Draper Lewis: "The Life of Theodore Roosevelt." JohnC. Winston Co.; Philadelphia, 1919.Morgan = James Morgan: "Theodore Roosevelt; The Boy and the Man."Macmillan Co., new ed., 1919.Ogg = Frederic A.Ogg: "National Progress, 1907-1917." AmericanNation Series. Harper& Bros.; New York, 1918.Riis = Jacob A. Riis: "Theodore Roosevelt; the Citizen." OutlookCo.; New York, 1904.Washburn = Charles G. Washburn: "Theodore Roosevelt; The Logic ofHis Career." Houghton Mifflin Co., 1916.

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