Lakota Sioux, Brent E. White, Badlands National Park, Irterior SD Public School District Second Grade

The Great Race

language (Ramblin Man Press Aug. 2, 2010)
"The Great Race" blends Lakota and Judeo-Christian creation sagas, adapted to go with the small carousel I made for the Badlands National Park as their Artist in Residence. The Great Spirit decides to take a nap after creating the world, and during his nap his creations begin to argue about who should have dominion over the earth while He takes a nap. The Great Spirit decides to settle the squabble by holding a race around the Black Hills. A madcap race ensues through the Badlands and around the Black Hills, with Magpie, in partnership with Man of the People, narrowly winning the race over rival Slim Buffalo Woman. I chose to feature the Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Black Footed Ferret, and Swift Fox for the carousel and the story because they are animals that have been reintroduced and are protected by Badlands National Park. In the carousel art style, I adorned the animals with relief carvings and paintings of other animals that also participated in the Great Race.