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White Fang - Literature Classics

Jack London

White Fang - Literature Classics

language (Goldfish Classics Publishing Jan. 17, 2012)
White Fang - Literature Classics, Complete Edition

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White Fang is a novel by American author Jack London. First serialized in Outing magazine, it was published in 1906. The story takes place in Yukon Territory, Canada, during the Klondike Gold Rush at the end of the 19th-century, and details a wild wolfdog's journey to domestication. White Fang is a companion novel (and a thematic mirror) to London's best-known work, The Call of the Wild, which concerns a kidnapped, domesticated dog embracing into his wild ancestry to survive and thrive in the wild.

The story begins before the three-quarters wolf-dog hybrid is born, with two men and their sled dog team. The men, Bill and Henry, are stalked by a large pack of starving wolves over the course of several days. Finally, after all of their dogs and Bill have been eaten, four more teams find Henry trying to escape from the wolves; the wolf pack scatters when they hear the large group of people coming. The story then follows the pack, which has been robbed of its last prey.

5 Stars Review : Jade - Goodreads
not to treat animals,earth humans or anything
with disrespect. We are all equal.
Animals and pets don't choose thier owners, we
choose them.
Animals don't know if thier owner is mean, nice, neglctive, they get good owners out of luck.

5 Stars Review : Liam - Goodreads
The book White Fang was about a wolf dog. It is broken into sections. It’s starts off with the unborn dog’s family and their pursuit of two men transporting a body across the Great North West. The two character where short lived and unimportant in the rest of the story. The next section was about White Fang growing up during a famine (famines occurred many time in this books). Then White Fang’s mother is reunited with her old Indian owner’s brother. White Fang is now left with his mom in a Indian camp until they both get traded on separate occasions. White Fang however, is sold at the price not in bills but bottles. He is then used as a fighting dog and very successful until his last fight with an English bulldog that leaves his close to dead. In this moment of near death the fight is broken up White Fang’s new owner. Here White Fang falls in love with his new owner (not at first though). Then he is taken to California where he lives the rest of his day’s in peace, well oh most. Scott’s (his owner) father is a judge and is saved from a criminal he put away.

5 Stars Review : Stefani - Goodreads
Jack London books are not for the uninitiated into the world of non-superfluous writing about man's infinite struggle with nature. Several months earlier, I made a vain attempt to read "Call of the Wild," but was unable to get beyond the first few pages of tedious prose that seemed to only worsen with each turn of the page.

5 Stars Review : Benjamin Laborde - Goodreads
White Fang by Jack London is about a dog named white fang. As a young wolf he was captured by an native american and soon learned not to mess with other dogs bigger than him. as he grows bigger and stronger he starts winning fights against the other dogs. When he and his owner leave to a trading village across the river he is taken be a man and forced to fight other dogs. this goes on for a very long time until one day while he is about to lose a fight another man comes in and rescues him from the fight. white fang soon becomes very obedient to his new master. one day his master leaves on a trip without him. he soon becomes very ill. as soon as his master comes home he starts to get better. when his master tries to go on another trip white fang breaks out of the cabin and follows him to his boat. White fangs master decides that he can go with him, when they get to California the meet his masters family and he soon grows fond of these people also.

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