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The Middle East: Pack A : Pack A

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John King

The Middle East: Pack A : Pack A

Hardcover (Raintree Publishers Nov. 1, 2005)
This topical series looks at the key countries involved in the breaking news stories in this volatile region, whether it's the changing situation in Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or the role of oil in regional and world politics. The history of the Middle East is also examined to explain how the region has developed over the last century and to explore the causes of current conflicts. It includes maps, charts and eye-catching images to help illustrate and clarify the content, and features first-hand accounts to keep the reader absorbed. It includes a time-line of events in the region to lend context and demonstrate connections.
Middle East
1844432084 / 9781844432080
57.6 oz.
9.6 x 6.7 in.

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