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My Very Own Fairy eStories

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Johnny Gruelle, Dr. KAF

My Very Own Fairy eStories

eBook (KAF Kewpies and Friends Dec. 12, 2015)
Includes 12 fairy stories with over 90 color illustrations, adjustable text, and hyperlinks.


1 The Cheery Cricket
2 The Kind Hearted Gingerbread Man
3 The Ugly Caterpillar
4 Jimmy Crow and the Owls
5 The Good Finger Fairies
6 Granny Hawkins
7 The Rubbery Dubbery Smiles
8 Uncle Clem
9 The Happy Story
10 The Quarrel of the Winds
11 The Mole Hill at Menemshia Creek
12 The Discontented King
