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My Favorite Story Book: The Best Kids Short Stories for Car Rides and Bedtime: Collection of Stories to Listen to in the Car for Entertaining Rides or to Help Your Children to Relax and Fall Asleep

Judith Mildred

My Favorite Story Book: The Best Kids Short Stories for Car Rides and Bedtime: Collection of Stories to Listen to in the Car for Entertaining Rides or to Help Your Children to Relax and Fall Asleep

Originally written to use as an audiobook, here is the ebook version.This ebook, containing a spectacular selection of short stories for children aged between two and nine years, explores the world they find themselves in when they’re traveling in a car. With these stories, a long trip will be over as quickly as 1, 2, 3! Additionally, children can enjoy a special selection of bedtime stories that will help them relax and enjoy a good night’s rest in a world filled with the magical creatures contained in this book! These stories will tickle all strands of your child’s imagination. Your children will get to meet unicorns, fly around the world with fairies, dare a few steps on a spider’s web, gift numerous pairs of shoes worn by a caterpillar, and laze around with artistic cats. For every story they read or listen to, they will find a moral and to carry with them through their own journey through life.