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Little House by Boston Bay

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Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Melissa Wiley

Little House by Boston Bay

Paperback (HarperCollins May 1, 2007) , Reprint edition

It's 1814 and Charlotte lives just outside the city of Boston. She always has something to look forward to—tending Mama's garden, visiting Papa's blacksmith shop, and embarking on her very own Scottish adventure! This middle grade novel is an excellent choice for tween readers in grades 5 to 6, especially during homeschooling. It’s a fun way to keep your child entertained and engaged while not in the classroom.

Charlotte lives with her family near the bustling city of Boston. What an exciting time she has! There’s Mama’s garden to tend to, Papa’s blacksmith shop to visit, and lots of brothers and sisters to play with. But best of all, Charlotte is a brand-new American girl, born just one generation after the United States of America was formed.

Little House Prequel (Book 1)
0061148288 / 9780061148286
3.2 oz.
5.1 x 0.3 in.

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