City of London Society
Transactions of the City of London entomological and natural history society
( March 7, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1907 Excerpt: ...Plusia chrysitix and Heliophila pollens, taken in September, 1906. Mr. Burrows suggested that the dwarfing was the result of the exceptionally hot and dry season. Polia Chi From Yorkshire.--Mr. 8. J. Bell, a series from the moors near Whitby, where the species was commonly met with on the stone walls that abound in the district; the specimens were of a uniform pale grey colour. Acronycta Menyanthidis.--Mr. H. M. Edelsten, fine melanic examples from Yorkshire. Argynnis Selene Abs.--Mr. T. H. L. Grosvenor, a $ with confluent marginal spots, and a 2 much suffused with black, from Ashdown Forest. Thyatira Batis.--Mr. L. A. E. Sabine, a specimen with pink coloration much accentuated, from Epping Forest, and another from New Forest, with this coloration entirely lacking as in the Linntean type. Jan. 15th, 1907.--Thera Variata And Psodos Trepidaria--Parallel Variation.--Mr. E. A. Cockayne, specimens from Rannoch with central fascia on forewings interrupted. Phragmatobia Fuliginosa.--A 2 with yellow abdomen and hindwings, and an example of var. Borealis, both from Bannoch. Ibid. Melanio Lepidoptera.--Mr. H. M. Edelsten Synopsia abruptaria from Clapton, Nonagria genrinipuncta and Phigalia pedaria from Enfield, N. cannae and N. typhae from Norfolk, Stauropus fagi from Epping, and Cymatophora gemmaria from Kent. Mr. A. Harrison Bombycia duplaris and Acronicta leporina from Cornwall and Lanes., Pharetra rumicis from Barnsley, Eupithecia venosata from Folkestone and Shetland Isles, and Aplecta nebulosa from Cornwall, Epping and Delamere. Mr. L. A. E. Sabine, Phragmatobia fuliginoxa with black body and hindwings. Mr. H. B. Whitehouse, Lymantria monacha from Hull. Paper.--Mr. L. W. Newman read a paper detailing some of his experiences in breeding melanic lepidoptera. The ...
- 1130321797 / 9781130321791
- Pages
- 48
- Weight
- 3.7 oz.
- Dimensions
- 7.4 x 0.1