Becoming a grandmother is both exciting and challenging.
In Celebrating Grandmothers, 27 women describe - in their own words - how they responded to the many pleasures and demands of this role. They also explore how it changed both their view of themselves and the texture of their lives.How did you feel holding your first grandchild? Does your time with the grandchildren fly by? Is there a new depth in your family relationships? These stories will speak to you.Frequently recommended as an original present for a new grandmother."Confirms in a direct and delightful way just how special the grandmother-grandchild relationship is...Very interesting and heart-warming."- Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall, author of The Good Granny Guide'A fascinating analysis of what it feels like to be a grandmother today - from the joy and fulfilment to the disappointments and anxieties' - Virginia Ironside, agony aunt and novelist
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