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H. G. Wells

The Red Room

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Nov. 24, 2017)
Edition perfect as a gift.

"There were two big mirrors in the room, each with a pair of sconces bearing candles, and on the mantelshelf, too, were candles in china candle-sticks. All these I lit one after the other. The fire was laid - an unexpected consideration from the old housekeeper - and I lit it, to keep down any disposition to shiver, and when it was burning well I stood round with my back to it and regarded the room again. I had pulled up a chintz-covered armchair and a table to form a kind of barricade before me. On this lay my revolver, ready to hand."

1979808104 / 9781979808101
3.5 oz.
5.0 x 0.1 in.

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