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Ghosts: The Complete Series

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Amy Cross

Ghosts: The Complete Series

(Independently published Sept. 16, 2018)
When Beth Keneally is murdered by her father, her story should be over. Instead, she wakes up on the edge of town. Beth is now a ghost, but her father is still on the loose and is determined to kill Beth's little sister Elise. Meanwhile, God and Satan come to town, determined to settle a bet. Each wiping their memories, they live among the ordinary citizens so that they can experience human life. But their bet has unintended consequences, and soon Beth finds herself drawn into a struggle that could lead to the end of the world. Originally released in eight installments, GHOSTS is now available in this collected and revised 5th anniversary edition.
1723748749 / 9781723748745
32.0 oz.
5.0 x 1.8 in.

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