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Endless: A YA Paranormal Romance

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Dean Murray

Endless: A YA Paranormal Romance

language (Fir'shan Publishing April 20, 2015)
Becoming immortal and mastering god-like powers hasn't been easy for Selene. Enemies shadow her every move, and using her powers continues to rip away memories of her childhood and the mother she lost too soon.

Things between her and Jace are strained, but Selene still thinks they can work things out until she realizes that her actions—her very existence—has triggered a chain of events that threatens more than just her relationship with Jace.

This time the entire world is at stake and with every passing moment Selene is less sure who she can trust to help her fight evils both ancient and modern.

Publisher's Note: Endless is a YA Paranormal Romance book, and is the third novel in The Awakening, a series of clean books featuring fairies and demigods which have been written so that they can be safely enjoyed by both teens and adults. Readers new to The Awakening should start with Reborn, one of several YA books available from Dean for Kindle.

Dean Murray is the successful author of multiple clean young adult paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and epic fantasy series which collectively have more than half a million copies in circulation.

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