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Calcium and the Alkaline Earth Metals

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Nigel Saunders

Calcium and the Alkaline Earth Metals

Library Binding (Heinemann Sept. 18, 2003)
What is a reactivity series? Why is bone so strong? Which elements have a half-life? Find out the answers to these and other fascinating questions in ‘Calcium and the Alkaline Earth Metals’. This book explores the nature of calcium, its role in sustaining health, and its place on Earth among rocks and minerals. Calcium plays an essential role in many compounds that are then used in important processes. The other alkaline earth metals examined in this book include beryllium, magnesium, strontium, barium, and radium.
The Periodic Table
1403408726 / 9781403408723
11.8 oz.
6.8 x 0.5 in.

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