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Kingdom of Light: Shatter the Darkness

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J. H. Lee

Kingdom of Light: Shatter the Darkness

language ( April 7, 2019)
The Kingdom of Darkness is a place of the Living Dead, ruled by an Evil Prince, who holds his people as slaves, bound in chains. The destiny of all who live in this land is the same – The Gates of Death.

This place was my home, and I could not escape my chains or my destiny. I was helpless and without hope.

Until I met the Lamb. He changed everything. His light shattered my darkness. He rescued me and gave me a new home in his Kingdom of Light. In this kingdom, I am a warrior of the Lamb, and I carry out his missions.

The Lamb loves and accepts me. Always. Forever. No matter what. Even when I mess up and run away from him. Knowing he will never leave gives me the courage to follow where he leads me – even into the treacherous territory of the Evil Prince, where danger is lurking. In the place of blackness, the light of the Lamb –

Shatters the darkness.

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