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FAB Club 2: Friends Against Cyberbullying

Alex Hallatt

FAB Club 2: Friends Against Cyberbullying

language (Moontoon Publishing July 17, 2018)

‘Cyber bullying is a big problem for children – and adults. So, books of this nature are vital if we are to inform children on this difficult subject. This is sensitively written and very accessible for 9 – 13 year olds. The children in my class enjoyed it, and we used it as a start to a cyber-bullying discussion.’ Primary school teacher

At the end of the long summer holidays, the FAB Club read that their school has run out of money and won’t be opening. Celebration turns to dismay when they find out that they are all going to different schools instead. At first their phones are a lifeline, keeping them in contact. But then the horrible messages start.

Someone is trying to destroy the FAB club and everything they stand for. Will the club be able to stop them and bring the friends back together?

Find out in FAB Club 2, as the gang stand up to the cyber-bullies.

Friends Against Bullying - Join the Club!

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