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How the Rhino Got His Skin

Henry Herz, Josh Herz, Harrison Herz, Luke Graber

How the Rhino Got His Skin

Paperback (Birch Tree Publishing Aug. 30, 2013) , 1 edition
Adults who fondly remember from their childhood reading the classic "Just So Stories" by Rudyard Kipling may also recall that they were not illustrated, and that the original language may not be easily accessible to young readers. This version of "How the Rhino Got His Skin" is a fully-illustrated picture book, with language updated for today's kids aged 3-6. Kids love the whimsical illustrations and humor; parents appreciate a book that discourages bullying. For more information, visit
0989448711 / 9780989448710
5.1 oz.
8.5 x 0.1 in.