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Captains Courageous - Classic Illustrated Edition

Rudyard Kipling, A. White

Captains Courageous - Classic Illustrated Edition

eBook (Heritage Illustrated Publishing July 16, 2014)
* Beautifully illustrated with atmospheric paintings by renowned artists, Captains Courageous is a captivating tale that follows the adventures of the spoiled young son of a railroad tycoon after he's washed overboard from a transatlantic steamer. Rescued by local fishermen who don't believe his stories of wealth, he has no choice but to accept their offer of a job as part of their crew.

* Just as accessible and enjoyable for today's readers as it would have been when first published over a century ago, the novel is one of the great works of English literature and continues to be widely read throughout the world.

* This meticulous digital edition from Heritage Illustrated Publishing is a faithful reproduction of the original text and is enhanced with images of classic works of art carefully selected by our team of professional editors.