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Sabine Baring-Gould

The Book of Were-Wolves

Paperback (Watchmaker Publishing Jan. 1, 2012)
An Unabridged, Unaltered Edition To Include All 21 Chapters With Footnotes: Introductory - Lycanthropy Among The Ancients - The Were-Wolf In The North - The Origin Of The Scandinavian Were-Wolf - The Were-Wolf In The Middle Ages - A Chapter Of Horrors - Jean Grenier - Folk-Lore Relating To Were-Wolves - Natural Causes Of Lycanthropy - Mythological Origin Of The Were-Wolf Myth - The Maréchal De Rezt I: The Investigation Of Charges - The Maréchal De Rezt II: The Trial - Maréchal De Retz III: The Sentence And Execution - A Galician Were-Wolf - Anomalous Case-The Human Hyena - A Sermon On Were-Wolves
1603864482 / 9781603864480
8.5 oz.
7.5 x 0.2 in.

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