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The Clique of Gold: Mystery Novel

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Émile Gaboriau

The Clique of Gold: Mystery Novel

language (e-artnow June 18, 2018)
One evening in a disreputable lodging-house in Paris, "Papa" Ravinet, a dealer in second-hand goods and curiosities, becomes alarmed at what sounds to him to be the last gasps of someone dying. Forcing the disinterested concierge and his wife to investigate, the life of a young woman is saved. No one knows the true identity of this young woman, Miss Henrietta. She was brought to the lodging-house a few months ago by a young gentleman who said she was his cousin from the provinces whose family had lost its fortune. As Ravinet sees the addresses on the two suicide letters the distressed young woman left, a sudden light brightens his eyes and a wicked smile plays on his lips.

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