I.P. Aspinall
Dragonfly House
(Lulu Publishing Services Jan. 24, 2014)
When Luke went home from school one summer's day, he did not expect to see an unexploded bomb in the roof of his house. This is the story of two families escaping from war to Dragonfly House: how they survived with a little magic. Ina Paterson Sillars was born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire Scotland. Her father was a locomotive engineer who was promoted to be North of England representative of his firm. He, his wife Jessie and four daughters moved to Ansdell, Lancashire in England in 1942. In 1958 Ina married David Aspinall. As the wife of an academic Computer Scientist she has lived in Manchester England and Swansea Wales, with brief spells in Champaign Urbana, Illinois USA and Xian in the Peoples Republic of China. She has a daughter, Mary and two sons Robert and Edward. Also grandsons Thomas, Matthew and William Ren. When not writing & illustrating books she enjoys a social round of golf.