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Age 5-12
Grade K-6

Amy Gelsthorpe, Janet King

Star Fishing

Paperback (MacLaren-Cochrane Publishing Nov. 7, 2017)

When Billy decides he wants to know what stars are made of, he seeks to catch one of his own. Billy doesn’t consider the obstacles that come when one attempts to catch a star… He can only dream about what he’ll learn when he catches his star. Mommy plays into Billy’s ideas and makes a game out of his Star-Fishing experience, a smart and fun strategy to encourage Billy’s imagination… Together they imagine the shooting star visiting exciting places and creatures like Mt. Everest, the North Pole, a hopping kangaroo and more… The outcome is pleasing, sentimental, and unique! Undoubtedly, Billy isn’t the only child who has contemplated such adventures. No doubt children will make up their own shooting star adventures after reading Star-Fishing!

1365861635 / 9781365861635
4.6 oz.
8.0 x 0.1 in.

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